segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

Special thanks before ending this year...

Steve Jobs once said: “as any great matter of the heart, you will know it when you get there”.

I just realized how lucky I am. It’s true; I’ve experienced all kind of feelings...Too many times. I’ve cried and prick too much. I’m emotional and my heart is too near of my mouth. I talk a lot...heartish. Do you know what heartish means? - Every word I say comes directly from my heart.

What do you think that happens when the heart starts overloading? When it starts to rationalize every human behavior, phrase or gesture? Well…. Do I need to explain?

Yes, it's a living hell!

And to end this year...this post it's just another way to say thank you...a special thanks to the people who crossed my life during this year,
But...there are unique and kind people, who are around for a long, long time...who deserve a special recongition.

Near to them...
There is a place where I can be me. There is a place where there are people who get mad, yes. There are a lot of yelling and crying. But it’s also the place that I know for real when I get there. And suddenly, when you get this, you start appreciating all the amazing things that you are, that you do, that you feel – when you get there.
Here I can wake up in the morning and jump into the freezing water, swim for instants and immediately hearing someone screaming as crazy for me to get out of there. When I look back, there is someone getting near to me to make sure that I’ll get out and go for a hot bath. There is someone who cares when I achieve my goals or fail right in front of them. There is someone who yells... but I'm also sure...that there will always be someone that will stay near of my bed for days when I’m sick... No matter how old I am. They will always stand by my side.
Yes, they are a pain in the ass. Better than that, I know that they will always be a pain in the ass. But if you don’t screw up with them really badly, they will stay forever. No matter what happens. From them, you will never expect a knife in the back. From them, you will get hard words, and unexplained actions. But you will always get their affection and attention.

And as I was saying, I speak faster that I think and believe me, the most part of the things I say are the result of really mixed thoughts in the heart…hardly to explain to someone that’s not in there…

But there is a place where all the things that I say, are just things that I say.

For all this, I’ve to thank them for everything. Their effort it’s notated and I’ll pay back with the same coin. I’ll always be a pain in the ass.
They don’t need me to name them. They are here long enough to get my mixed up feelings, weird words and non-explained actions.